Around the Globe

THERAPEUTIC WRITING around the globe:

Lapidus provides information for people interested in writing and creativity for personal development and in working with others. On its site you can find:
– Information, news and events.
– Meetings and networks across the UK and in Canada.
– Lapidus Journal published online three times a year.
– Members’ pages with additional information and bibliography.
– SkillSearch Database where practitioners can be found.

Poems in the Waiting Room (PitWR) is an Arts in Health charity, registered in the UK, which publishes and supplies short collections of poems for patients to read while waiting to see their doctor and to take away with them.

National Association for Poetry Therapy (USA)

For the past 30 years, NAPT members have forged a community of healers and lovers of words and language. We are psychotherapists, counsellors, psychologists, social workers, and psychiatrists. We are poets, journal keepers, storytellers, and songwriters. We are teachers, librarians, adult educators, and university professors. We are doctors, nurses, occupational/ recreational therapists; ministers, pastoral counsellors, and spiritual directors. We are artists, dancers, dramatists, musicians, and writers.

International Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy (USA)

Incorporated in 1983, the International Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy sets standards of excellence in the training and credentialing of practitioners in the field of biblio/poetry therapy and authorises qualified individuals to practice as mentor/supervisors.

Dulwich Centre (Australia)

Opened in 1983, this is an independent centre in Adelaide, Australia involved in narrative approaches to therapy and community work, training, publishing, supporting practitioners in different parts of the world, and co-hosting international conferences.